Grants and Contracts Management

OMB Circulars
The Unit of Grants and Contracts Management is responsible for the financial administration of all external grants and contracts. Specific responsibilities include, but are not inclusive of:
- Serving as a point of contact with agencies for fiscal matters;
- Assisting Principal Investigators/Program Directors in fiscal post-award administration;
- Ensuring consistent application and compliance of institutional policies and procedures and federal regulations related to fiscal matters;
- Establishing accounts for programs after fiscal review of award documentation;
- Informing Principal Investigators/Program Directors of program expenditures and encumbrances;
- Billing expenditures and timely submission of fiscal reports;
- Ensuring that all documented cost-sharing is verified, maintained, and properly reported to the sponsoring agency;
- Confirm, validate, and recover all indirect costs; and
- Proper closeout and reconciliation of institutional accounts to ensure compliance.
OMB Circulars
Circulars for Grants and Contracts applicable prior to 12/26/2014:
OBM Circular A-21 – Cost Principles for Educational Institutions
OMB Circular A-110 – Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-profit Organizations
OBM Circular A-133 – Audits of Institutions of Higher Education and Other Non-profit Institutions
Uniform Guidance Requirements 2CFR Part 200 PDF Version
Grants and Contracts Management